
Living with a Resident landlord / Homestay (Host Family) Accommodation

Row of houses in London

Homestay companies place students with a host family. Host families are live in landlords who offer the opportunity to live as part of their family. Some students opt for this type of accommodation as there is a more flexible approach to renting, i.e. there is space to negotiate a contract length that suits you and can be used as a form of temporary accommodation. Some Homestay companies also do not require a guarantor to secure the accommodation.

A student would usually get their own room (sometimes bathroom) and share the rest of the facilities with the Landlord/host family. There might be particular ‘house rules’ that might restrict your freedom and independence which would need to be explained in advance by the landlord/host family. It can also be a very popular option particularly with students who are new to London and its culture and/or who may be looking to improve their English language skills.

Central students sometimes post details of their room and host family on the SAS Accommodation Facebook Group.

If you would like more information on homestay or would like to find families offering homestay, you can search via the University of London’s Housing Service Property Platform.

The University of London Housing Services require these companies to be registered with the British Council before being allowed to advertise on their Property Platform.

Please see below for organisations listed where you can also search for Homestay property options: