IT account setup and registration task login

What you need before you start

  • Access to a username and password. This will be in your registration invitation email. If you do not have that email yet but think that you should, please email [email protected] 
  • A compatible web browser installed - we recommend Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Apple Safari
  • Internet access

We recommend completing your online registration task on a desktop computer so that you can view the website as it is intended and select any of the the drop-down field values.

If you need help using your account please contact the IT Helpdesk via email or ticket (requires login)

Email: [email protected]

Raise a support ticket: Login - Support ticket (

@cssd IT account setup

The first step to accessing Central’s digital services is to change the default password to one of your own. We also provide a service which helps you to reset, unlock your account or change your password if you forget it yourself, at any time.

A video of these steps is available at IT Induction on Vimeo.

1. Go to Register with the Password Reset Service

2. Click Register

Screen shot of student recover tool login

3. Enter your login details as shown in your invitation email

[email protected] and the current password

Click the Eye icon to see your password

Click Next (do not let your web browser save this password, as you are going to change it)

Screen shot of student recover tool username and password

4. Follow the on-screen instructions to set your new password

NOTE: Your password must be at least 7 characters and contain an uppercase letter, number or special character. You will prompted to change your password every 90 days.

5. Setup 1 or 2 of the recovery methods:

If you have a UK mobile phone number, enter it here. You will receive a PIN code via SMS text message to this number if you need to reset your password.

Or click Next to skip this

You must enter a set of three security questions and answers. You will be asked to answer these questions with the same answer if you need to reset your password.

Screen shot of student recover tool prompt for mobile number
Screen shot of student recover tool security question and answer prompt

6. You are now enrolled on the recovery tool and have set your new password

You will now be able to reset, unlock your account or change your password if you forget it.

Screen shot of student recover tool completed setup

Registration task login

Now you have your username and new password that you set, you can login to the student gateway to complete the registration task.

Or go to Student Gateway homepage

2. Click Enterprise Sign-In

Student gateway login page

3. Enter you username to be taken to our login page

Screen shot of Central's login page

4. Login using your username and new password

if this is your first login, you will be prompted to pick a profile picture for your login account (so you know you’re logging into our safe site)

Screen shot of sudent image selection

5. You are now logged in and able to begin your registration task

If you do not see you take on the first page, click the New notification in the top right box.

Screen shot of student logged in