Schools, Colleges and Community Groups


Central outreach workshops and masterclasses

Our activities are aimed to support and prepare students for the creative arts in Higher Education. Our sessions can be delivered virtually, at your school or hosted at Central, but we do advise for our creative and practical sessions that these are delivered in person. The session details are listed below however we always welcome new ideas which can support you and your students, and we can offer tailored sessions.

Sessions are delivered by a member of the central’s Outreach team or one of our visiting lecturers who are active in the industry. All have undertaken DBS checks in line with our safeguarding policy.

To book one of these workshops, or if you have any queries please email [email protected]. All sessions are for years 7-13 and we have no age limit for community engagement.

Workshops and masterclasses

  • Acting Masterclass

    Acting Masterclass

    1 hour - online

    2 hours - in person

    This masterclass gives students a taster of what studying acting at a drama school is like, highlighting the next steps from learning drama and acting within their school or college setting. This is a practical based session following techniques we use on all three of our BA Acting degrees and focusing on following direction, character development, voice and movement. Our aim is to provide a taster of a real drama school class.

  • Ensemble and Movement

    Ensemble and Movement

    1 hour - online

    2 hours - in person

    Central has a long-standing and well recognised reputation for the dissemination of actor movement disciplines within the British theatre scene. This session will introduce your students to another fundamental skill in actor training, understanding the importance and impact of movement. Working with one of our visiting lecturers they will work through a selection of actor training exercises, and then bring these together to show your students the impact they can have by forming an ensemble short, improvised piece, and their individual presence. You may find this session useful if you are developing a devising module with your students as this can add another layer to their process, they may not have thought about incorporating.

  • Introduction to Voice

    Introduction to Voice

    1 hour - online

    2 hours - in person

    Voice Studies courses at Central are nationally and internationally renowned, it is a part of our founding name. The voice is a powerful tool for an actor stretching across multiple disciplines of spoken word, singing, accents and dialect. Working with our visiting lecturer your students will experience firsthand voice actor training techniques used within the industry and the importance of developing your voice skills. This session can be provided as a stand-alone introductory session, or you may wish to provide us with text you are working on where our lecturer can focus the session on supporting your students through your current module, or provide a voice preparation session before an upcoming performance assessment.

  • Drama and Applied Theatre

    Drama and Applied Theatre

    1 hour - online

    2 hours - in person

    This session focuses on the application of drama within a range of social, community and educational contexts. Your students will learn how drama can make a difference to different groups of society, and how it can be used as a key tool in supporting people and society whether arts, health or community based. They will take part in numerous exercises and dissect how they can be used in changing society. This ever expanding and exciting field is new to many and can lead to numerous studying and employment opportunities.

  • Introduction to scriptwriting

    Introduction to scriptwriting

    1 hour - online

    2 hours - in person

    Students will take part in a short writing exercise designed to help them write a monologue for a character of their choosing. The exercises are aimed to help students put pen to page and build on skills such as freewriting, devising and storytelling. It is a great opportunity for them to explore the role of a writer in theatre and performance.

  • Theatre Design

    Theatre Design

    1 hour - online

    2 hours - in person

    This session will allow your students to gain hands-on experience and knowledge of the design process used by professionals who work in a variety of creative settings. From the introduction of a given text or devised piece and how a designer works through the elements of creating costume, stage design, lighting and sound. Being a key element to the creation a performance and their role in working with the directors and the full production team, by the end of the session we will host a production meeting showcasing how they function, and your students will have created some designs from the text or ideas they have explored in the session.

  • Technical Theatre

    Technical Theatre

    Coming Soon

  • Theatre Construction

    Theatre Construction

    Coming Soon

  • Audition Preparation

    Audition Preparation

    1 hour - online

    2 hours - in person

    This session will cover both face to face auditions for drama school and how to prepare a self tape. We will introduce your students to understanding monologues and how to approach performing their pieces. We will also introduce them to the notion of devising and creating their own pieces which they can utilise for future auditions. Our visiting lecturers will provide all material, but why not ask for an enhanced session and have your students bring a prepared monologue which our lecturer can assist with developing their individual performance skills ready to take to an audition.

  • Portfolio Preparation

    Portfolio Preparation

    1 hour - online

    2 hours - in person

    This session gives a practical insight for your students on how to prepare and present their portfolio when applying for a creative arts-based course. Discuss relevant sections and schemes of your work to include, and how to showcase their passion for the course they are wanting to apply for. Whether this be for an art based or production course their portfolio is a key talking point in their interview to express their talent and interest in the world of creative arts. By the end of the session each student should have a portfolio template which they can take away ready to construct.

Information and Guidance sessions

  • Discover Central

    Discover Central

    1 hour - online or in person

    This information session will provide an insight into Central and the courses available in theatre, performance and production. It aims to provide an overview of the courses we have on offer and to raise awareness of the benefits of training at a small and specialist university. We also encourage you to ask questions that you or your students have about applying and studying at a drama school.

  • Careers in the creative industries

    Careers in the creative industries

    1 hour - online or in person

    Explore the possibilities of a career in the creative industries with this informative session which will take your students through the career pathways they can discover. We will introduce them to higher education options, apprenticeships, and roles you can do by learning through experience. We will also show them some of our own graduate destinations with a few familiar faces and recognisable shows and films our students have been apart of. The UK government is set to grow the creative industries by £50 billion by 2030 and your students could be a part of our growing economy.

  • Creative arts - my options at Higher Education

    Creative arts - my options at Higher Education

    1 hour - online or in person

    Understanding the types of courses and institutions to access can be confusing to students who are first thinking about university. This session will provide your students with informative information on where to access creative arts courses by understanding the differences between large scale Russell Group universities and small and specialist creative art universities like Central. We will take them through the main differences and introduce them to new language used when looking at specialist schools such as the word conservatoire. This session will also touch upon the career opportunities they can achieve one they have graduated from a creative arts degree.

  • Applying to drama schools - where to start

    Applying to drama schools - where to start

    1 hour - online or in person

    Let us navigate your students through the processes of applying for a drama school and supporting them with understanding what happens next after they apply. We will introduce them to the differences between a drama school and a traditional university, review the application processes discussing UCAS and direct applications, before moving on to auditions and interviews. Here we will provide our top tips on what Central look for when we audition and interview students for all our BA undergraduate courses.